Contribution Process

To contribute a tutorial to the LingMethodsHub, you will need to create a Github Account, create a repository for your tutorial, then submit an issue on the website repository requesting a fork.

Forking Tutorial Repositories

Why does LingMethodsHub have to fork my repository?

Since tutorial content is being added to the website as git submodules, we could technically add a submodule from any github repository. However, we will only add content submodules from our own team account’s repositories, meaning we need to fork external repositories. We are doing this for a few reasons.

  • Updates and maintenance to the site may require non-content edits to tutorial repositories (e.g. updating yaml headers, reorganizing files). If a tutorial submodule was directly added from an external account, we would have to wait on that maintainer to accept a pull request for the content to update appropriately on the website.

  • In a reverse situation, if we added a submodule from an external account, and that account maintainer updated their repository to contain unwanted content, that content could wind up in the site when we update the submodules.

What if I want to make edits after LingMethodsHub has forked the repository?

You may want to make edits to the tutorial repository after we have forked it for a few reasons, including

  • Editing the content.

  • Updating the code.

  • Updating your personal metadata (name, url, affiliation, etc).

That is all fine to do in your own original repository. Once you’ve made updates as you see fit, just send us a pull request and we can merge the updated version of the tutorial into the site’s version.

What if something looks wrong on the site?

Inevitably something won’t look quite right on the site. Submit github issue and we will try to sort it out.


BibTeX citation:
  author = {},
  title = {Contribution {Process}},
  series = {Linguistics Methods Hub},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Contribution Process. n.d. Linguistics Methods Hub. (