Crosstabs: Counts, Proportions, and More

Getting token counts and proportions. Getting mean, median, standard deviation, and quartiles. Dealing with decimals and exponential notation.

Matt Hunt Gardner

University of Oxford


September 27, 2022


It took me two years to figure out how to do cross-tabs in R the way that Goldvarb does cross-tabs. Below I show you how to build cross-tabs from scratch.

Token Counts

A good starting point is the function table(). This function returns token numbers.

Get the data first

If you don’t have the td data loaded in R, go back to Doing it all again, but tidy and run the code.

# Get the number of tokens by level of Dep.Var

Deletion Realized 
     386      803 

This tells you that there are 386 Deletion tokens and 803 not deleted, or Realized tokens. If you add another factor group like Age.Group, you get the number of tokens for each level of Dep.Var for each level of that additional factor group. These two factor groups are returned as the rows and then columns in the table.

# Get the number of tokens by level of Dep.Var
# and Age.Group
table(td$Dep.Var, td$Age.Group)
           Old Middle Young
  Deletion  67    125   194
  Realized 134    235   434

If you add one more factor group, Sex, it divides the data in what R calls “pages”. The first page is the number of tokens for each level of Dep.Var by each level of Age.Group for female data (Sex = F), and then the same for the male data (Sex = M).

# Get the number of tokens by Dep.Var, Sex, and
# Age.Group
table(td$Dep.Var, td$Age.Group, td$Sex)
, ,  = F

           Old Middle Young
  Deletion  43     73    72
  Realized 107    165   199

, ,  = M

           Old Middle Young
  Deletion  24     52   122
  Realized  27     70   235

You can add the option deparse.level = 2 to include the names of the columns in the table.

# Get the number of tokens by Dep.Var, Sex, and
# Age.Group
table(td$Dep.Var, td$Age.Group, td$Sex, deparse.level = 2)
, , td$Sex = F

td$Dep.Var Old Middle Young
  Deletion  43     73    72
  Realized 107    165   199

, , td$Sex = M

td$Dep.Var Old Middle Young
  Deletion  24     52   122
  Realized  27     70   235

If you wrap the table() function in the addmargins() function you get the sums of each row and column, and another page for both the male and the female data together.

# Get the number of tokens by Dep.Var, Sex, and
# Age.Group, with column, row and page totals
addmargins(table(td$Dep.Var, td$Age.Group, td$Sex,
    deparse.level = 2))
, , td$Sex = F

td$Dep.Var  Old Middle Young  Sum
  Deletion   43     73    72  188
  Realized  107    165   199  471
  Sum       150    238   271  659

, , td$Sex = M

td$Dep.Var  Old Middle Young  Sum
  Deletion   24     52   122  198
  Realized   27     70   235  332
  Sum        51    122   357  530

, , td$Sex = Sum

td$Dep.Var  Old Middle Young  Sum
  Deletion   67    125   194  386
  Realized  134    235   434  803
  Sum       201    360   628 1189

If you change the order of factor groups you include in the table() function you can change which factors are rows, which are columns, and which are pages. You can also keep adding factors as additional pages. The order is always: rows, columns, page 1, page 2, etc.

# Get the number of tokens by Age.Group,
# Education, Sex, and Dep.Var, with row, column,
# and page totals
addmargins(table(td$Age.Group, td$Education, td$Sex,
    td$Dep.Var, deparse.level = 2))
, , td$Sex = F, td$Dep.Var = Deletion

td$Age.Group Educated Not Educated Student  Sum
      Old           2           41       0   43
      Middle       68            5       0   73
      Young        20            0      52   72
      Sum          90           46      52  188

, , td$Sex = M, td$Dep.Var = Deletion

td$Age.Group Educated Not Educated Student  Sum
      Old           0           24       0   24
      Middle       16           36       0   52
      Young        48           24      50  122
      Sum          64           84      50  198

, , td$Sex = Sum, td$Dep.Var = Deletion

td$Age.Group Educated Not Educated Student  Sum
      Old           2           65       0   67
      Middle       84           41       0  125
      Young        68           24     102  194
      Sum         154          130     102  386

, , td$Sex = F, td$Dep.Var = Realized

td$Age.Group Educated Not Educated Student  Sum
      Old          30           77       0  107
      Middle      153           12       0  165
      Young        52            0     147  199
      Sum         235           89     147  471

, , td$Sex = M, td$Dep.Var = Realized

td$Age.Group Educated Not Educated Student  Sum
      Old           0           27       0   27
      Middle       30           40       0   70
      Young        77           31     127  235
      Sum         107           98     127  332

, , td$Sex = Sum, td$Dep.Var = Realized

td$Age.Group Educated Not Educated Student  Sum
      Old          30          104       0  134
      Middle      183           52       0  235
      Young       129           31     274  434
      Sum         342          187     274  803

, , td$Sex = F, td$Dep.Var = Sum

td$Age.Group Educated Not Educated Student  Sum
      Old          32          118       0  150
      Middle      221           17       0  238
      Young        72            0     199  271
      Sum         325          135     199  659

, , td$Sex = M, td$Dep.Var = Sum

td$Age.Group Educated Not Educated Student  Sum
      Old           0           51       0   51
      Middle       46           76       0  122
      Young       125           55     177  357
      Sum         171          182     177  530

, , td$Sex = Sum, td$Dep.Var = Sum

td$Age.Group Educated Not Educated Student  Sum
      Old          32          169       0  201
      Middle      267           93       0  360
      Young       197           55     376  628
      Sum         496          317     376 1189

The above function produces 9 “pages”, one for each combination of Sex (two levels) and Dep.Var (two levels), plus the sum of each (one additional level each), and the sum for both. With more than three factor groups like this it is very useful to have the column names included in the output. Scroll to the sixth page, for example (the one that begins , , td$Sex = Sum, td$Dep.Var = Realized). It shows the number of tokens by Age.Group and Education (the first two factor groups in the function), when Sex equals Sum (e.g., M and F combined) and Dep.Var equals Realized.

One advantage of doing cross-tabs in R, rather than Goldvarb, is that you can simultaneously cross more than two factor groups at once. But, the presentation of these factors in pages may not be the most useful. The function ftable() in the package vcd presents the cross-tab in a more condensed format. The last factor group in the table() function will be the variable for the columns in ftable(), so you always want to make that the dependent variable. Below is the ftable() for the cross-tab of Age.Group, Education, Sex, and Dep.Var. You can see, for example, that there are 52 Deletion tokens from young, student, female speakers and that there are no tokens from old, educated men.

# Get the number of tokens by Age.Group,
# Education, Sex, and Dep.Var, with row, column
# and page totals, presented in a flattened table
ftable(table(td$Age.Group, td$Education, td$Sex, td$Dep.Var))
                       Deletion Realized
Old    Educated     F         2       30
                    M         0        0
       Not Educated F        41       77
                    M        24       27
       Student      F         0        0
                    M         0        0
Middle Educated     F        68      153
                    M        16       30
       Not Educated F         5       12
                    M        36       40
       Student      F         0        0
                    M         0        0
Young  Educated     F        20       52
                    M        48       77
       Not Educated F         0        0
                    M        24       31
       Student      F        52      147
                    M        50      127
# Do the same but include the margin values
ftable(addmargins(table(td$Age.Group, td$Education,
    td$Sex, td$Dep.Var)))
                         Deletion Realized  Sum
Old    Educated     F           2       30   32
                    M           0        0    0
                    Sum         2       30   32
       Not Educated F          41       77  118
                    M          24       27   51
                    Sum        65      104  169
       Student      F           0        0    0
                    M           0        0    0
                    Sum         0        0    0
       Sum          F          43      107  150
                    M          24       27   51
                    Sum        67      134  201
Middle Educated     F          68      153  221
                    M          16       30   46
                    Sum        84      183  267
       Not Educated F           5       12   17
                    M          36       40   76
                    Sum        41       52   93
       Student      F           0        0    0
                    M           0        0    0
                    Sum         0        0    0
       Sum          F          73      165  238
                    M          52       70  122
                    Sum       125      235  360
Young  Educated     F          20       52   72
                    M          48       77  125
                    Sum        68      129  197
       Not Educated F           0        0    0
                    M          24       31   55
                    Sum        24       31   55
       Student      F          52      147  199
                    M          50      127  177
                    Sum       102      274  376
       Sum          F          72      199  271
                    M         122      235  357
                    Sum       194      434  628
Sum    Educated     F          90      235  325
                    M          64      107  171
                    Sum       154      342  496
       Not Educated F          46       89  135
                    M          84       98  182
                    Sum       130      187  317
       Student      F          52      147  199
                    M          50      127  177
                    Sum       102      274  376
       Sum          F         188      471  659
                    M         198      332  530
                    Sum       386      803 1189

Of course we can use the pipe %>% to make things a bit easier

# Get the number of tokens by Age.Group,
# Education, Sex, and Dep.Var, with row, column
# and page totals, presented in a flattened table
table(td$Age.Group, td$Education, td$Sex, td$Dep.Var) %>%
    addmargins() %>%
                         Deletion Realized  Sum
Old    Educated     F           2       30   32
                    M           0        0    0
                    Sum         2       30   32
       Not Educated F          41       77  118
                    M          24       27   51
                    Sum        65      104  169
       Student      F           0        0    0
                    M           0        0    0
                    Sum         0        0    0
       Sum          F          43      107  150
                    M          24       27   51
                    Sum        67      134  201
Middle Educated     F          68      153  221
                    M          16       30   46
                    Sum        84      183  267
       Not Educated F           5       12   17
                    M          36       40   76
                    Sum        41       52   93
       Student      F           0        0    0
                    M           0        0    0
                    Sum         0        0    0
       Sum          F          73      165  238
                    M          52       70  122
                    Sum       125      235  360
Young  Educated     F          20       52   72
                    M          48       77  125
                    Sum        68      129  197
       Not Educated F           0        0    0
                    M          24       31   55
                    Sum        24       31   55
       Student      F          52      147  199
                    M          50      127  177
                    Sum       102      274  376
       Sum          F          72      199  271
                    M         122      235  357
                    Sum       194      434  628
Sum    Educated     F          90      235  325
                    M          64      107  171
                    Sum       154      342  496
       Not Educated F          46       89  135
                    M          84       98  182
                    Sum       130      187  317
       Student      F          52      147  199
                    M          50      127  177
                    Sum       102      274  376
       Sum          F         188      471  659
                    M         198      332  530
                    Sum       386      803 1189

Another tidy way to find out the number of tokens by the different levels of a factor group is using the group_by() and tally() functions. First, we specify how to group the data, i.e., what combination of factors we want to investigate. In this case, we want the number of tokens for every combination of Age.Group, Education, Sex and Dep.Var. Next we use the tally() function to provide the token counts for each of those combinations. The results are very similar to those produced by ftable(table()).

# Group data by Age, Education, and Sex then
# tally each group
td %>%
    group_by(Age.Group, Education, Sex, Dep.Var) %>%
# A tibble: 24 × 5
# Groups:   Age.Group, Education, Sex [12]
   Age.Group Education    Sex   Dep.Var      n
   <fct>     <fct>        <fct> <fct>    <int>
 1 Old       Educated     F     Deletion     2
 2 Old       Educated     F     Realized    30
 3 Old       Not Educated F     Deletion    41
 4 Old       Not Educated F     Realized    77
 5 Old       Not Educated M     Deletion    24
 6 Old       Not Educated M     Realized    27
 7 Middle    Educated     F     Deletion    68
 8 Middle    Educated     F     Realized   153
 9 Middle    Educated     M     Deletion    16
10 Middle    Educated     M     Realized    30
# … with 14 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

As the results of tally() is a tibble, only the first 10 rows will be printed. To print all the rows add print(n=Inf) at the end.

# Group data by Age, Education, and Sex, tally
# each group, then print all rows
td %>%
    group_by(Age.Group, Education, Sex, Dep.Var) %>%
    tally() %>%
    print(n = Inf)
# A tibble: 24 × 5
# Groups:   Age.Group, Education, Sex [12]
   Age.Group Education    Sex   Dep.Var      n
   <fct>     <fct>        <fct> <fct>    <int>
 1 Old       Educated     F     Deletion     2
 2 Old       Educated     F     Realized    30
 3 Old       Not Educated F     Deletion    41
 4 Old       Not Educated F     Realized    77
 5 Old       Not Educated M     Deletion    24
 6 Old       Not Educated M     Realized    27
 7 Middle    Educated     F     Deletion    68
 8 Middle    Educated     F     Realized   153
 9 Middle    Educated     M     Deletion    16
10 Middle    Educated     M     Realized    30
11 Middle    Not Educated F     Deletion     5
12 Middle    Not Educated F     Realized    12
13 Middle    Not Educated M     Deletion    36
14 Middle    Not Educated M     Realized    40
15 Young     Educated     F     Deletion    20
16 Young     Educated     F     Realized    52
17 Young     Educated     M     Deletion    48
18 Young     Educated     M     Realized    77
19 Young     Not Educated M     Deletion    24
20 Young     Not Educated M     Realized    31
21 Young     Student      F     Deletion    52
22 Young     Student      F     Realized   147
23 Young     Student      M     Deletion    50
24 Young     Student      M     Realized   127

The above code gives us the number of Realized and Deletion tokens for each combination of Age.Group, Education, and Sex. What if we want the total number of tokens for each combination, rather than the number of each level of Dep.Var. In this case, you can just drop Dep.Var from the group_by() function.

# Get total number of tokens per group by
# removing Dep.Var
td %>%
    group_by(Age.Group, Education, Sex) %>%
    tally() %>%
    print(n = Inf)
# A tibble: 12 × 4
# Groups:   Age.Group, Education [7]
   Age.Group Education    Sex       n
   <fct>     <fct>        <fct> <int>
 1 Old       Educated     F        32
 2 Old       Not Educated F       118
 3 Old       Not Educated M        51
 4 Middle    Educated     F       221
 5 Middle    Educated     M        46
 6 Middle    Not Educated F        17
 7 Middle    Not Educated M        76
 8 Young     Educated     F        72
 9 Young     Educated     M       125
10 Young     Not Educated M        55
11 Young     Student      F       199
12 Young     Student      M       177

We know now that there are 32 tokens from Old, Educated, F (female) speakers. The previous tally() shows us that 2 of the tokens are Deletion and 30 are of Realized.

An alternative to tally() is the much more flexible summarize() function.1 With this function you can apply a summary statistic function to each combination of the grouping variables. If no summary statistic function is created, the a tibble of the combination of the groups is produced.

# Create a tibble of all combinations of
# Age.Group, Education, and Sex (for which there
# are rows of data)
td %>%
    group_by(Age.Group, Education, Sex) %>%
# A tibble: 12 × 3
# Groups:   Age.Group, Education [7]
   Age.Group Education    Sex  
   <fct>     <fct>        <fct>
 1 Old       Educated     F    
 2 Old       Not Educated F    
 3 Old       Not Educated M    
 4 Middle    Educated     F    
 5 Middle    Educated     M    
 6 Middle    Not Educated F    
 7 Middle    Not Educated M    
 8 Young     Educated     F    
 9 Young     Educated     M    
10 Young     Not Educated M    
11 Young     Student      F    
12 Young     Student      M    

To get the count, or number of rows, of each combination, we create a new column in the tibble that is the output of summarize() and assign to it the value of the count function n()

# Create a tibble of grouping variables, then add
# a new column 'Tokens' with the value of the
# count function
td %>%
    group_by(Age.Group, Education, Sex, Dep.Var) %>%
    summarize(Tokens = n()) %>%
    print(n = Inf)
# A tibble: 24 × 5
# Groups:   Age.Group, Education, Sex [12]
   Age.Group Education    Sex   Dep.Var  Tokens
   <fct>     <fct>        <fct> <fct>     <int>
 1 Old       Educated     F     Deletion      2
 2 Old       Educated     F     Realized     30
 3 Old       Not Educated F     Deletion     41
 4 Old       Not Educated F     Realized     77
 5 Old       Not Educated M     Deletion     24
 6 Old       Not Educated M     Realized     27
 7 Middle    Educated     F     Deletion     68
 8 Middle    Educated     F     Realized    153
 9 Middle    Educated     M     Deletion     16
10 Middle    Educated     M     Realized     30
11 Middle    Not Educated F     Deletion      5
12 Middle    Not Educated F     Realized     12
13 Middle    Not Educated M     Deletion     36
14 Middle    Not Educated M     Realized     40
15 Young     Educated     F     Deletion     20
16 Young     Educated     F     Realized     52
17 Young     Educated     M     Deletion     48
18 Young     Educated     M     Realized     77
19 Young     Not Educated M     Deletion     24
20 Young     Not Educated M     Realized     31
21 Young     Student      F     Deletion     52
22 Young     Student      F     Realized    147
23 Young     Student      M     Deletion     50
24 Young     Student      M     Realized    127

The summarize() function can be used with a number of summary statistic functions, including, but not limited to, the following:

Type Some Useful Functions
Center mean(), median()
Spread sd(), IQR()
Range min(), max()
Position first(), last(), nth()
Count n(), n_distinct()
Logical any(), all()

Summary Statistics for Continous Variables

This seems like an appropriate place to describe how to summarize values that are continous, like YOB. Normally in variationist sociolinguistics we are very concerned with frequency and proportion of usage, and we will explore how to generate those statistics in the following section. Here, however, let’s explore the functions available to use inside summarize(). These functions can be used on their own, also. For example, the first two, mean() and median() provide the arithmetic mean (basically the average) of a set of numbers while the median() provides the exact middle number of a set of values organized from smallest to largest (if there are an even number of values, median() returns the halfway point between the two middle numbers).

# Get mean year of birth
[1] 1969.447
# Get median year of birth
[1] 1984

We already know that the mean year of birth for the td data set is 1969.447. You can also see that the middle number of all years of birth organized from oldest to youngest is 1984. If we wanted to find the mean or median year of birth for either just male or just female speakers, we have two options. We can use the base filter technique, or we can use the tidy method to group the data and summarize it.

# Get mean year of birth of just female speakers
mean(td$YOB[td$Sex == "F"])
[1] 1963.487
# Get mean year of birth of just male speaker
mean(td$YOB[td$Sex == "M"])
[1] 1976.857
# Get mean year of birth for each level of Sex
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(Mean.YOB = mean(YOB))
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  Sex   Mean.YOB
  <fct>    <dbl>
1 F        1963.
2 M        1977.

Dealing with Decimals

Tibbles are intended to be succinct and concise, so they provide very few values after the decimal place by default. If you require more decimal values, the easiest (trust me) thing to do is to convert the tibble into a data frame.

# Get mean year of birth by Sex, converted to
# data frame
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(Mean.YOB = mean(YOB)) %>%
  Sex Mean.YOB
1   F 1963.487
2   M 1976.857

data frames will display whole numbers, and numbers with decimals up to the total number of digits set by options() function. Keep in mind, though, that changing this value changes the global options for R. An alternative is to use the format() function.

# Change number of significant digits displayed
# to 6
options(digits = 6)
# Get mean year of birth by sex, converted to
# data frame
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(Mean.YOB = mean(YOB)) %>%
  Sex Mean.YOB
1   F  1963.49
2   M  1976.86
# Change number of significant digits displayed
# to 10
options(digits = 10)
# Get mean year of birth by sex, converted to
# data frame
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(Mean.YOB = mean(YOB)) %>%
  Sex    Mean.YOB
1   F 1963.487102
2   M 1976.856604
# Change number of significant digits displayed
# to 3
options(digits = 3)
# Get mean year of birth by sex, converted to
# data frame
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(Mean.YOB = mean(YOB)) %>%
  Sex Mean.YOB
1   F     1963
2   M     1977
# Change number of significant digits displayed
# to 3
options(digits = 3)
# Get mean year of birth by sex, converted to
# data frame but showing 10 significant digits
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(Mean.YOB = mean(YOB)) %>% %>%
    format(digits = 10)
  Sex    Mean.YOB
1   F 1963.487102
2   M 1976.856604

For very large numbers R will often display values in exponential notation. We can alter this by setting the value of scipen inside the option() function. Again, though, remember that this is a global change for your whole R session. For scipen positive values increase the likelihood of using real numbers, negative values increase the likelihood of using exponential notation. To ensure printouts are always real numbers, set scipen to 9999 (this is the default). To ensure printouts are always exponential notation, set scipen to -9999. To demonstrate, below we multiply mean YOB by 10000.

# Change number of significant digits displayed
# to 6, alter the likelihood of use of real
# number rather than scientific notation by 0
options(digits = 6, scipen = 0)
# Get mean year of birth by sex multiplied by
# 100000, converted to data frame
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(Mean.YOB = mean(YOB) * 1e+05) %>%
  Sex  Mean.YOB
1   F 196348710
2   M 197685660

With scipen set to 0, we still get real numbers as the values Mean.YOB are not too big. To ensure we have real numbers, though, we change the scipen value.

# Change number of significant digits displayed
# to 6, alter the likelihood of use of real
# number rather than scientific notation by 9999
options(digits = 6, scipen = 9999)
# Get mean year of birth by sex multiplied by
# 100000, converted to data frame
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(Mean.YOB = mean(YOB) * 10000) %>%
  Sex Mean.YOB
1   F 19634871
2   M 19768566

If, instead we prefer exponential notation, we use the maximum negative scipen value, -9999/

# Change number of significant digits displayed
# to 6, alter the likelihood of use of real
# number rather than scientific notation by -9999
options(digits = 6, scipen = -9999)
# Get mean year of birth by sex multiplied by
# 100000, converted to data frame
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(Mean.YOB = mean(YOB) * 10000) %>%
  Sex    Mean.YOB
1   F 1.96349e+07
2   M 1.97686e+07

Above, the value 1.96349e+07 means \(1.96349 \times 10^7\). The easiest way to calculate this is to simply move the decimal places 7 spaces to the right (as the exponent is positive), which gives 19634900. Notice some precision is lost because our number of digits is only 6.

# Change number of significant digits displayed
# to 10, alter the likelihood of use of real
# number rather than scientific notation by -9999
options(digits = 1e+01, scipen = -9.999e+03)
# Get mean year of birth by sex multiplied by
# 100000, converted to data frame
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(Mean.YOB = mean(YOB) * 1e+04) %>%
  Sex        Mean.YOB
1   F 1.963487102e+07
2   M 1.976856604e+07

Now, with more digits we have more precision; \(1.963487102 \times 10^7 = 19634671.02\). If the exponential values are negative, move the decimal place to the left. For example, \(1.963487102 \times 10^-7 = 0.0000001963467102\).

Similarly, we can set whether or not we want scientific notation using the format() function. The scientific option can be either TRUE or FALSE, or a value like scipen.

# Change number of significant digits displayed
# to 3, alter the likelihood of use of real
# number rather than scientific notation by 9999
options(digits = 3e+00, scipen = 9.999e+03)
# Get mean year of birth by sex multiplied by
# 100000, converted to data frame, digits
# formatted to 10 significant digits, and
# exponential notation
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(Mean.YOB = mean(YOB) * 1e+04) %>% %>%
    format(digits = 1e+01, scientific = TRUE)
  Sex        Mean.YOB
1   F 1.963487102e+07
2   M 1.976856604e+07

More Summary Statistics for Continous Variables

The other summary statistics for continuous variables include spread functions and the range functions. Some spread functions are sd(), which returns the standard deviation; and IQR() which returns the interquartile range.2 Some range functions include: min(), which returns the lowest value; max(), which returns the highest value. To find the maximum spread (from highest to lowest), we can either subtract the min() value from the max() value, or employ the diff() function plus the range() function (which produces a vector containing the minimum and maximum values).

We can include these functions inside the same summarize() function as we used above.

# Get mean, standard deviation, interquartile
# range, minimum value, maximum value, and range
# of values (twice) for year of birth
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(Mean.YOB = mean(YOB), SD.YOB = sd(YOB),
        IQR.YOB = IQR(YOB), Min.YOB = min(YOB), Max.YOB = max(YOB),
        Range = max(YOB) - min(YOB), Range2 = diff(range(YOB)))
# A tibble: 2 × 8
  Sex   Mean.YOB SD.YOB IQR.YOB Min.YOB Max.YOB Range Range2
  <fct>    <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <int>   <int> <int>  <int>
1 F        1963.   26.5      45    1915    1999    84     84
2 M        1977.   19.6      33    1921    1994    73     73

Based on these values, we can make the following statements:

  • Among females in the (t, d) data, the average or mean year of birth is 1963 \(\pm\) 26.5 years.

  • The oldest female speakers was born in 1915, and the youngest female speaker was born in 1999.

  • Fifty-percent of women were born in the 45 years centered around 1963.

  • The female data represents 84 years of apparent time.

Position functions with summarize()

The position functions first(), last(), and nth() also work on the data created by group_by() and summarize(). first() returns the first value, last() returns the last value, and nth() returns the value after a specific number of rows.

# Get first six rows of just Sex and Dep.Var
# columns of td
td %>%
    select(Sex, Dep.Var) %>%
  Sex  Dep.Var
1   F Realized
2   F Deletion
3   F Deletion
4   F Deletion
5   M Realized
6   M Deletion
# Get last six rows of just Sex and Dep.Var
# columns of td
td %>%
    select(Sex, Dep.Var) %>%
     Sex  Dep.Var
1184   F Realized
1185   F Realized
1186   F Realized
1187   M Realized
1188   M Deletion
1189   M Realized

Above we use the select() function to choose just the Sex and Dep.Var columns and run the head() and tail() functions in order to see the first and last six values for both in the data. We do this just for comparisons sake. Now, lets use the position functions an compare them to our results.

# Get first, last, second, and second to last
# value of Dep.Var by Sex
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(First = first(Dep.Var), Last = last(Dep.Var),
        Second = nth(Dep.Var, 2), Second.Last = nth(Dep.Var,
# A tibble: 2 × 5
  Sex   First    Last     Second   Second.Last
  <fct> <fct>    <fct>    <fct>    <fct>      
1 F     Realized Realized Deletion Realized   
2 M     Realized Realized Deletion Deletion   

Compare the male values with those from the head() and tail() functions above. The first (row 5) is Realized, the last (row 1198) is Realized. The second (row 6) is Deletion, and the second to last (row 1188) is also Deletion.

Count functions with summarize()

We’ve already looked at n() above, but there is also the n_distinct() function, which reports the number of distinct values. We can use this, for example, to find the number of speakers in each social category. To do this using base R filtering is a lot more complicated to code (so much so its not even worth doing). One example is shown below. It would need to be repeated for every combination of sex, education, and age group.

# Example using base R filtering, finding the
# number of unique speakers who are female,
# educated, and middle aged

n_distinct(td$Speaker[td$Sex == "F" & td$Education ==
    "Educated" & td$Age.Group == "Middle"])
[1] 12
# Much easier way to find number of unique
# speakers for every combination of Sex,
# Education, and Age. Group

td %>%
    group_by(Sex, Education, Age.Group) %>%
    summarize(Speaker.Count = n_distinct(Speaker)) %>%
    print(n = Inf)
# A tibble: 12 × 4
# Groups:   Sex, Education [6]
   Sex   Education    Age.Group Speaker.Count
   <fct> <fct>        <fct>             <int>
 1 F     Educated     Old                   1
 2 F     Educated     Middle               12
 3 F     Educated     Young                 3
 4 F     Not Educated Old                   6
 5 F     Not Educated Middle                1
 6 F     Student      Young                11
 7 M     Educated     Middle                3
 8 M     Educated     Young                 6
 9 M     Not Educated Old                   5
10 M     Not Educated Middle                7
11 M     Not Educated Young                 3
12 M     Student      Young                 8

You’ll notice that there are is no value for older educated males. This is because there are no speakers in the data from this group.

Logical functions

The two logical functions only work on data that is logical (i.e., is TRUE or FALSE). any() returns the answer to the question “Are any values TRUE?” and all() returns the answer to the question “Are all values TRUE?”. There are no logical values in the td data set, so lets make some as an example.

# Create a new column in which all values are
td$Logical.Test <- FALSE
# Modify the new column so for any tokens from
# young female speakers are coded as TRUE instead
# of FALSE
td$Logical.Test[td$Sex == "F" & td$Age.Group == "Young"] <- TRUE

# Get logical value (TRUE or FALSE) of whether
# any tokens and all tokens of Logical.Test are
# TRUE, by Sex
td %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
    summarize(Any.True = any(Logical.Test), All.True = all(Logical.Test))
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  Sex   Any.True All.True
  <fct> <lgl>    <lgl>   
1 F     TRUE     FALSE   
2 M     FALSE    FALSE   

Above we created a logical column in which only tokens from young females are set to TRUE. The any() function returns TRUE for F but not for M because there is at least one TRUE value in the female data. Conversely, the all() function returns FALSE for F because not all of the female values are TRUE.


Finding out the proportion of a variant is just like finding out the number of tokens. Using the base R methods, you simply wrap the table() function in a prop.table() function.

# Proportion of each level of Dep.Var

Deletion Realized 
   0.325    0.675 

Usually proportions are expressed as hundredths. To force R to express numbers in hundredths, you can use the options() function to set the number of significant digits displayed to two.

# Display values rounded to nearest hundredth.
options(digits = 2)

# Proportion of each level of Dep.Var

Deletion Realized 
    0.32     0.68 

In the example above there is only one dimension: Dep.Var. The prop.table() outer function takes the table() inner function and divides the number of tokens in each cell by some total (e.g. denominator). The default denominator is the total number of tokens in the whole table. Because, in the example above, the total number of tokens in the one dimension table is the same as the total number of Dep.Var tokens, you don’t need to specify anything further. In the example below, however, there are two dimensions: Dep.Var and Age.Group. If you do not specify which total to use as a denominator, the proportions expressed use the total number of tokens in the table as the denominator.3 If you want to know the percentage of deletion tokens that come from Young, Middle and Old speakers, you set margin = 1, meaning that you want the total (e.g., denominator) to be the sum of the tokens for the first variable in the function, (e.g., rows total). If instead you want to know the percentage of Young tokens (or Middle tokens, or Old tokens) that are Deletion, and the percentage that are Realized, you set margin = 2, or rather set the denominator to the sum of the second factor group in the function (e.g., column total). This follows R’s global pattern of rows, columns, page 1, page 2, etc. You can verify this by adding up the proportions in each table below. In the first table all of the proportions add up to 1. In the second table, on the other hand, the proportions add up to 1 going across the rows. In the third table they add up to 1 going down the columns.

# Proportion of each level of Dep.Var and
# Age.Group (all values sum to 1)
prop.table(table(td$Dep.Var, td$Age.Group))
             Old Middle Young
  Deletion 0.056  0.105 0.163
  Realized 0.113  0.198 0.365
# Proportion of each level of Age.Group for each
# level of Dep.Var (each row sums to 1)
prop.table(table(td$Dep.Var, td$Age.Group), margin = 1)
            Old Middle Young
  Deletion 0.17   0.32  0.50
  Realized 0.17   0.29  0.54
# Proportion of each level of Dep.Var for each
# level of Age.Group (each column sums to 1)
prop.table(table(td$Dep.Var, td$Age.Group), margin = 2)
            Old Middle Young
  Deletion 0.33   0.35  0.31
  Realized 0.67   0.65  0.69

In order to achieve the three-dimension cross-tabs you get from Goldvarb, with one dependent variable and two independent variables, you must set up the prop.table(table()) function with your variables in the following order: independent variable 1, independent variable 2, dependent variable. You must also specify a particular margin, e.g., denominator. In a Goldvarb-style cross-tab each cell is the number of tokens for one level of the dependent variable (e.g., the application or non-application value) divided by the total number of tokens for that cell. In an R proportion table the total number of tokens per cell is the number of tokens for the value of the row and the column at the same time — not the row total, or the column total. To specify that you want the denominator to be the cell total you set margin = c(1,2), where the c() concatenating function specifies both row (1) and column (2). The result is a separate page for proportions of each level of Dep.Var. The proportions for the corresponding cells in each page add up to 1.

# Proportion of each level of Dep.Var for each
# level of Age.Group and Sex (all corresponding
# cells sum to 1)
prop.table(table(td$Age.Group, td$Sex, td$Dep.Var),
    margin = c(1, 2))
, ,  = Deletion

            F    M
  Old    0.29 0.47
  Middle 0.31 0.43
  Young  0.27 0.34

, ,  = Realized

            F    M
  Old    0.71 0.53
  Middle 0.69 0.57
  Young  0.73 0.66

You can keep adding factor groups to your proportion table, but you must do two things. You must keep the dependent variable, Dep.Var, as the rightmost variable in the function, and you must include all the other variables in the margin specification. For example, below you add Education as the third variable, and add 3 to the margin specification. There will be a separate page for each combination of the levels of Education and Dep.Var.

# Proportion of each level of Dep.Var for each
# level of Age.Group, Sex and Education
prop.table(table(td$Age.Group, td$Sex, td$Education,
    td$Dep.Var), margin = c(1, 2, 3))
, ,  = Educated,  = Deletion

             F     M
  Old    0.062      
  Middle 0.308 0.348
  Young  0.278 0.384

, ,  = Not Educated,  = Deletion

             F     M
  Old    0.347 0.471
  Middle 0.294 0.474
  Young        0.436

, ,  = Student,  = Deletion

             F     M
  Young  0.261 0.282

, ,  = Educated,  = Realized

             F     M
  Old    0.938      
  Middle 0.692 0.652
  Young  0.722 0.616

, ,  = Not Educated,  = Realized

             F     M
  Old    0.653 0.529
  Middle 0.706 0.526
  Young        0.564

, ,  = Student,  = Realized

             F     M
  Young  0.739 0.718

Again, you can make these larger tables easier to read by flattening the pages using ftable(). Here the NaN means there is no data in the cell.

# Proportion of each level of Dep.Var for each
# level of Age.Group, Sex and Education,
# presented as a flattened table. Here the `NaN'
# just means there is no data in the cell.
ftable(prop.table(table(td$Age.Group, td$Sex, td$Education,
    td$Dep.Var), margin = c(1, 2, 3)))
                       Deletion Realized
Old    F Educated         0.062    0.938
         Not Educated     0.347    0.653
         Student            NaN      NaN
       M Educated           NaN      NaN
         Not Educated     0.471    0.529
         Student            NaN      NaN
Middle F Educated         0.308    0.692
         Not Educated     0.294    0.706
         Student            NaN      NaN
       M Educated         0.348    0.652
         Not Educated     0.474    0.526
         Student            NaN      NaN
Young  F Educated         0.278    0.722
         Not Educated       NaN      NaN
         Student          0.261    0.739
       M Educated         0.384    0.616
         Not Educated     0.436    0.564
         Student          0.282    0.718

There are a number of functions specifically designed to create cross-tables that are somewhat easier to use, but can be somewhat less flexible. Generally, they are most useful for one independent variable and one dependent variable. I tend to use the CrossTable() function from the gmodels package frequently.

# Load gmodels

# Generate cross tab of Sex and Dep.Var in which
# the row proportions are displayed, but table
# proportions, column proportions, and
# contribution to chi-square are suppressed, with
# 0 decimal values displayed, and missing
# combinations included.
CrossTable(td$Sex, td$Dep.Var, prop.r = TRUE, prop.c = FALSE,
    prop.t = FALSE, prop.chisq = FALSE, format = "SPSS",
    digits = 0, missing.include = TRUE)

   Cell Contents
|                   Count |
|             Row Percent |

Total Observations in Table:  1189 

             | td$Dep.Var 
      td$Sex | Deletion  | Realized  | Row Total | 
           F |      188  |      471  |      659  | 
             |       29% |       71% |       55% | 
           M |      198  |      332  |      530  | 
             |       37% |       63% |       45% | 
Column Total |      386  |      803  |     1189  | 


For the CrossTable() function you can set the denominator to row total with the option prop.r=TRUE. If instead you wanted to the proportion by column, you set prop.c = TRUE, and if you want the proportion across the entire table you can set prop.t = TRUE. You can actually set all of these to TRUE to get all three. There are other values that can be generated, including values for calculating chi-square (see the CrossTable() documentation here). The above code includes the minimal number of options needed to generate the type of cross-table we generally want.

To produce proportions using the tidy method, we combine the group_by() and summarize() functions with the mutate() discussed in an earlier section.

# Generate tibble of combination of Sex and
# Dep.Var with token counts and proportion of
# each level of Dep.Var by Sex
td %>%
    group_by(Sex, Dep.Var) %>%
    summarize(Count = n()) %>%
    mutate(Prop = Count/sum(Count))
# A tibble: 4 × 4
# Groups:   Sex [2]
  Sex   Dep.Var  Count  Prop
  <fct> <fct>    <int> <dbl>
1 F     Deletion   188 0.285
2 F     Realized   471 0.715
3 M     Deletion   198 0.374
4 M     Realized   332 0.626

After grouping the data by Sex and Dep.Var, we create a new column Count with values equal to the number of tokens for the particular combination, then we create a new column using mutate() and a math equation to generate proportions. It is important here that your dependent variable Dep.Var is the last grouping variable. If we change the order, instead of generating the proportion of Realized and Deletion tokens, it will instead return the percentage of Realized tokens that are M and the percentage that are F, which is the incorrect denominator for our purposes.

# Generate tibble of combination of Dep.Var and
# Sex with token counts and proportion of each
# level of Sex by Dep.Var
td %>%
    group_by(Dep.Var, Sex) %>%
    summarize(Count = n()) %>%
    mutate(Prop = Count/sum(Count))
# A tibble: 4 × 4
# Groups:   Dep.Var [2]
  Dep.Var  Sex   Count  Prop
  <fct>    <fct> <int> <dbl>
1 Deletion F       188 0.487
2 Deletion M       198 0.513
3 Realized F       471 0.587
4 Realized M       332 0.413

Unlike the CrossTable() function, we can include multiple independent variables. To include every combination (including those for which there are no tokens), we can add .drop = FALSE to the group_by() function.

# Generate tibble of combination of Sex,
# Edcuation, Age.Group, and Dep.Var with all
# combinations included, with token counts and
# proportion of each level of Dep.Var by each
# combination of other variables
td %>%
    group_by(Sex, Education, Age.Group, Dep.Var, .drop = FALSE) %>%
    summarize(Count = n()) %>%
    mutate(Prop = Count/sum(Count)) %>%
    print(n = Inf)
# A tibble: 36 × 6
# Groups:   Sex, Education, Age.Group [18]
   Sex   Education    Age.Group Dep.Var  Count     Prop
   <fct> <fct>        <fct>     <fct>    <int>    <dbl>
 1 F     Educated     Old       Deletion     2   0.0625
 2 F     Educated     Old       Realized    30   0.938 
 3 F     Educated     Middle    Deletion    68   0.308 
 4 F     Educated     Middle    Realized   153   0.692 
 5 F     Educated     Young     Deletion    20   0.278 
 6 F     Educated     Young     Realized    52   0.722 
 7 F     Not Educated Old       Deletion    41   0.347 
 8 F     Not Educated Old       Realized    77   0.653 
 9 F     Not Educated Middle    Deletion     5   0.294 
10 F     Not Educated Middle    Realized    12   0.706 
11 F     Not Educated Young     Deletion     0 NaN     
12 F     Not Educated Young     Realized     0 NaN     
13 F     Student      Old       Deletion     0 NaN     
14 F     Student      Old       Realized     0 NaN     
15 F     Student      Middle    Deletion     0 NaN     
16 F     Student      Middle    Realized     0 NaN     
17 F     Student      Young     Deletion    52   0.261 
18 F     Student      Young     Realized   147   0.739 
19 M     Educated     Old       Deletion     0 NaN     
20 M     Educated     Old       Realized     0 NaN     
21 M     Educated     Middle    Deletion    16   0.348 
22 M     Educated     Middle    Realized    30   0.652 
23 M     Educated     Young     Deletion    48   0.384 
24 M     Educated     Young     Realized    77   0.616 
25 M     Not Educated Old       Deletion    24   0.471 
26 M     Not Educated Old       Realized    27   0.529 
27 M     Not Educated Middle    Deletion    36   0.474 
28 M     Not Educated Middle    Realized    40   0.526 
29 M     Not Educated Young     Deletion    24   0.436 
30 M     Not Educated Young     Realized    31   0.564 
31 M     Student      Old       Deletion     0 NaN     
32 M     Student      Old       Realized     0 NaN     
33 M     Student      Middle    Deletion     0 NaN     
34 M     Student      Middle    Realized     0 NaN     
35 M     Student      Young     Deletion    50   0.282 
36 M     Student      Young     Realized   127   0.718 

Notice that for the missing combinations the count() is 0, and the percentage is NaN, which stands for “not a number”, the result of trying to divide 0 by something. NaN is similar to NA, but NA stands for “no data”, and is used for empty cells.

# Assign the tibble generated in the previous
# code to an object called results
results <- td %>%
    group_by(Sex, Education, Age.Group, Dep.Var, .drop = FALSE) %>%
    summarize(Count = n()) %>%
    mutate(Prop = Count/sum(Count))

# Recode all NaN in results to 0
results$Prop[is.nan(results$Prop)] <- 0
# Print results
print(results, n = Inf)
# A tibble: 36 × 6
# Groups:   Sex, Education, Age.Group [18]
   Sex   Education    Age.Group Dep.Var  Count   Prop
   <fct> <fct>        <fct>     <fct>    <int>  <dbl>
 1 F     Educated     Old       Deletion     2 0.0625
 2 F     Educated     Old       Realized    30 0.938 
 3 F     Educated     Middle    Deletion    68 0.308 
 4 F     Educated     Middle    Realized   153 0.692 
 5 F     Educated     Young     Deletion    20 0.278 
 6 F     Educated     Young     Realized    52 0.722 
 7 F     Not Educated Old       Deletion    41 0.347 
 8 F     Not Educated Old       Realized    77 0.653 
 9 F     Not Educated Middle    Deletion     5 0.294 
10 F     Not Educated Middle    Realized    12 0.706 
11 F     Not Educated Young     Deletion     0 0     
12 F     Not Educated Young     Realized     0 0     
13 F     Student      Old       Deletion     0 0     
14 F     Student      Old       Realized     0 0     
15 F     Student      Middle    Deletion     0 0     
16 F     Student      Middle    Realized     0 0     
17 F     Student      Young     Deletion    52 0.261 
18 F     Student      Young     Realized   147 0.739 
19 M     Educated     Old       Deletion     0 0     
20 M     Educated     Old       Realized     0 0     
21 M     Educated     Middle    Deletion    16 0.348 
22 M     Educated     Middle    Realized    30 0.652 
23 M     Educated     Young     Deletion    48 0.384 
24 M     Educated     Young     Realized    77 0.616 
25 M     Not Educated Old       Deletion    24 0.471 
26 M     Not Educated Old       Realized    27 0.529 
27 M     Not Educated Middle    Deletion    36 0.474 
28 M     Not Educated Middle    Realized    40 0.526 
29 M     Not Educated Young     Deletion    24 0.436 
30 M     Not Educated Young     Realized    31 0.564 
31 M     Student      Old       Deletion     0 0     
32 M     Student      Old       Realized     0 0     
33 M     Student      Middle    Deletion     0 0     
34 M     Student      Middle    Realized     0 0     
35 M     Student      Young     Deletion    50 0.282 
36 M     Student      Young     Realized   127 0.718 

The easiest way to convert NaN (or Na) to 0 is to assign the above to a variable, then replace NaN with 0 using the function is.nan(). If there were NA values, you can do the same thing as above, but replace is.nan() with

When we report proportions in sociolinguistics manuscripts, we often only report the proportion of one level of the dependent variable (called the application value). To only display one of the two levels of Dep.Var — for instance, if we just want to show the rates of Deletion, which we might decide is our application value — we can use the subset() function.

# Create the results object, but subsetted to
# include only Deletion tokens
results <- td %>%
    group_by(Sex, Education, Age.Group, Dep.Var, .drop = FALSE) %>%
    summarize(Count = n()) %>%
    mutate(Prop = Count/sum(Count)) %>%
    subset(Dep.Var == "Deletion")

# Recode NaN to 0
results$Prop[is.nan(results$Prop)] <- 0
# Print results
print(results, n = Inf)
# A tibble: 18 × 6
# Groups:   Sex, Education, Age.Group [18]
   Sex   Education    Age.Group Dep.Var  Count   Prop
   <fct> <fct>        <fct>     <fct>    <int>  <dbl>
 1 F     Educated     Old       Deletion     2 0.0625
 2 F     Educated     Middle    Deletion    68 0.308 
 3 F     Educated     Young     Deletion    20 0.278 
 4 F     Not Educated Old       Deletion    41 0.347 
 5 F     Not Educated Middle    Deletion     5 0.294 
 6 F     Not Educated Young     Deletion     0 0     
 7 F     Student      Old       Deletion     0 0     
 8 F     Student      Middle    Deletion     0 0     
 9 F     Student      Young     Deletion    52 0.261 
10 M     Educated     Old       Deletion     0 0     
11 M     Educated     Middle    Deletion    16 0.348 
12 M     Educated     Young     Deletion    48 0.384 
13 M     Not Educated Old       Deletion    24 0.471 
14 M     Not Educated Middle    Deletion    36 0.474 
15 M     Not Educated Young     Deletion    24 0.436 
16 M     Student      Old       Deletion     0 0     
17 M     Student      Middle    Deletion     0 0     
18 M     Student      Young     Deletion    50 0.282 

Finally, if we also want to add the total number of tokens per category (something we usually report alongside the application value) we can add another column using mutate(). Also, if we want the percentage instead of proportion, we can add 100 * to the proportion equation (as percentage is proportion \(\times 100\))

# Generate results object with percentage instead
# of proportion and a column with total tokens
# per combination.
results <- td %>%
    group_by(Sex, Education, Age.Group, Dep.Var, .drop = FALSE) %>%
    summarize(Count = n()) %>%
    mutate(Percentage = 100 * Count/sum(Count), Total.N = sum(Count)) %>%
    subset(Dep.Var == "Deletion")

# Recode NaN to 0
results$Percentage[is.nan(results$Percentage)] <- 0
# Print results
print(results, n = Inf)
# A tibble: 18 × 7
# Groups:   Sex, Education, Age.Group [18]
   Sex   Education    Age.Group Dep.Var  Count Percentage Total.N
   <fct> <fct>        <fct>     <fct>    <int>      <dbl>   <int>
 1 F     Educated     Old       Deletion     2       6.25      32
 2 F     Educated     Middle    Deletion    68      30.8      221
 3 F     Educated     Young     Deletion    20      27.8       72
 4 F     Not Educated Old       Deletion    41      34.7      118
 5 F     Not Educated Middle    Deletion     5      29.4       17
 6 F     Not Educated Young     Deletion     0       0          0
 7 F     Student      Old       Deletion     0       0          0
 8 F     Student      Middle    Deletion     0       0          0
 9 F     Student      Young     Deletion    52      26.1      199
10 M     Educated     Old       Deletion     0       0          0
11 M     Educated     Middle    Deletion    16      34.8       46
12 M     Educated     Young     Deletion    48      38.4      125
13 M     Not Educated Old       Deletion    24      47.1       51
14 M     Not Educated Middle    Deletion    36      47.4       76
15 M     Not Educated Young     Deletion    24      43.6       55
16 M     Student      Old       Deletion     0       0          0
17 M     Student      Middle    Deletion     0       0          0
18 M     Student      Young     Deletion    50      28.2      177

The above results show that there are 32 tokens from old, educated females, 2 of which (or 6.25%) are Deletion.


  1. summarise() and summarize() are synonyms.↩︎

  2. If we order the data from lowest to highest values, 50% of the data will be less than the mean, and 50% of the data will be higher than the mean. The mean is also called the 2nd quartile. The first quartile is halfway between the mean and the lowest value in the data. The third quartile is halfway betwen the mean and the highest value in the data. The interquartile range is the difference between the 3rd quartile and the 1st quartile and represents the spread of the middle 50% of the data.↩︎

  3. You’ll notice that the values in this table are expressed in thousandths instead of hundredths. This is because the proportion for Deletion and Old tokens requires three decimal places to have two meaningful digits.↩︎


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BibTeX citation:
  author = {Gardner, Matt Hunt},
  title = {Crosstabs: {Counts,} {Proportions,} and {More}},
  series = {Linguistics Methods Hub},
  volume = {Doing LVC with R},
  date = {2022-09-27},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7160718},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Gardner, Matt Hunt. 2022, September 27. Crosstabs: Counts, Proportions, and More. Linguistics Methods Hub: Doing LVC with R. ( doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7160718